The Frescobaldi Thematic Catalogue Online

The Frescobaldi Thematic Catalogue Online

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Carideo, Armando, ed. Archivio Doria Pamphilj, Musica per tastiera dei secoli XVII-XVIII. Vol. I: ADP 250, A-B; 257, 1-3. Tastata, Opere d’intavolatura d’organo e cimbalo - TA 20. Latina, IT: Levante, 2007.

Date Published: 2007

+- Compositions Referenced

F 15.16a Corrente
Composer: Frescobaldi (possibly)
Key/Signature: D /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

+- Sources Referenced

Rome Doria 250 B
Rome, Archivio Doria-Pamphili, Fondo musicale, 250/B

Provenance and Date: Rome, 1630-1650
Time Frame: 1600-1650
[Full Record]