The Frescobaldi Thematic Catalogue Online

The Frescobaldi Thematic Catalogue Online

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Vienna 19231

Full Title: Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Ms. 19231

+- Canonical Publications

CAPRICCI (1624-1642)
Notes: The entire content of RECERCARI was appended to the second, 1626 edition of the CAPRICCI. Furthermore, one work from the 1624 edition, F 4.07, was removed. No changes of content were introduced in the subsequent editions of 1628 and 1642, although the later editions differ in small details; see Darbellay (1988). A photographic copy of Capricci (1624) can be seen at:
[Full Record]

RECERCARI (1615-1642)
Notes: The Recercari (1615), containing 10 recercars and 5 canzonas, were republished in 1618 without change of content. In 1626 the contents of the Recercari and the Capricci were published together (see CAPRICCI (1624-1642)) and this joint publication appeared in a new edition in 1642.
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+- Literature

Eitner (1904)
Eitner, Robert. Biographisch-bibliographisches Quellenlexikon der Musik und Musikgelehrten der christlicher Zeitrechnung bis Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, 4. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1904.
Date Published: 1904
Pages: 74
[Full Record]

Riedel (1987)
Riedel, Friedrich. “The Influence and Tradition of Frescobaldi's Works in the Transalpine Countries.” in Silbiger (1987-1), 218–232.
Date Published: 1987
Pages: 219, n15
[Full Record]