The Frescobaldi Thematic Catalogue Online

The Frescobaldi Thematic Catalogue Online

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Turin Foa 7

Full Title: Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale, Raccolte Foà 7 [Vol. XV]

Provenance and Date: 1639
Time Frame: 1600-1650
RISM ID: TO026513943

Notes: See Turin Fo1. A digital online copy of Turin Foa 7 can be seen at:

+- Compositions in Source

F 3.27 Gagliarda prima
Composer: Frescobaldi
Key/Signature: A /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 3.28 Gagliarda seconda
Composer: Frescobaldi
Key/Signature: G /♭
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 3.29 Gagliarda terza
Composer: Frescobaldi
Key/Signature: G /♭
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 3.30 Gagliarda quarta
Composer: Frescobaldi
Key/Signature: C /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 3.31 Gagliarda quinta
Composer: Frescobaldi
Key/Signature: A /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 15.61.01 Sonata seconda. Prima parte.
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: G /♭
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

+- Canonical Publications

TOCCATE II (1627-1637)
Notes: See the Notes on TOCCATE I.(1615-1637).The following two editions of Toccate II are considered distinct sources here because of differences in their content, as shown below: Toccate II (1627): F 3.01 to 3.40, Toccate II (1637): F 3.02 to 3.38. (F 3.39 and F 3.40 were removed.)
[Full Record]

+- Literature

Hammond (1983)
Hammond, Frederick. Girolamo Frescobaldi. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1983.
Date Published: 1983
Pages: 298
[Full Record]

Hammond (2002)
Hammond, Frederick. Girolamo Frescobaldi. Trans. Roberto Pagano. Palermo: L’Epos, 2002.
Date Published: 2002
Pages: 388
[Full Record]