The Frescobaldi Thematic Catalogue Online

The Frescobaldi Thematic Catalogue Online

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Brussels II.3326

Full Title: Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale Albert I, Ms II.3326

Provenance and Date: Flemish Brabant (Belgium), c1660-1700 or possibly later.
Time Frame: 1650-1700
RISM ID: 700008518

Notes: Also known as the Cocquiel MS, named after Jacob Ignatius Joseph Cocquiel, organist of the church of St. Vincent at Zinnik (Soignies), Belgium, who according to an inscription had the use of the manuscript in 1741. It contains 364 compositions, many attributed to Abraham van den Kerckhoven (c1618-1701). Other attributions are to C. Vaes, Pollietti (Poglietti), A. Kolfs, Papen and L.F. The last piece, while appearing anonymously, is an an incomplete copy of F 3.16, headed “Fuga d’un Italien.” Facsimile edition in Kerckhoven (1982), with an introduction by Godelieve Spiessens, who in connection with the presence of this work ,notes Frescobaldi's sojourn in Brussels during 1607-1608.

+- Compositions in Source

F 3.16 Canzona quarta
Composer: Frescobaldi
Key/Signature: F /♭
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

+- Canonical Publications

TOCCATE II (1627-1637)
Notes: See the Notes on TOCCATE I.(1615-1637).The following two editions of Toccate II are considered distinct sources here because of differences in their content, as shown below: Toccate II (1627): F 3.01 to 3.40, Toccate II (1637): F 3.02 to 3.38. (F 3.39 and F 3.40 were removed.)
[Full Record]

+- Literature

Bergmans (1933)
Bergmand, Paul. Introduction to Abraham van den Kerckhoven, Werken voor Orgel, ed. Jos. Watelet. Monumenta Musicae Belgicae 2. Antwerp: Vereniging voor Muziekgeschiedenis, 1933.
Date Published: 1933
[Full Record]