The Frescobaldi Thematic Catalogue Online

The Frescobaldi Thematic Catalogue Online

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Frescobaldi (disputed): F14.59. Toccata

Incipit 14.59

Scoring: Keyboard
Genre: Toccata
Key/Signature: A /♮
Main Source: Chigi Q.VIII.205-206

Notes: Darbellay believes both handwriting and musical elements strongly resembles Leonardo Castellani’s, despite some unusual features (private communication, 5/17/2010). The notation of chords in the first few measures, reminiscent of French non-measured notation, is, however, not encountered elsewhere in Frescobaldi’s work.

+- Sources

Chigi Q.VIII.205-206
Pages in Source: f 139-142
Composition Title in Source: Toccata
Composition Title 2 in Source:
[Full Record]