The Frescobaldi Thematic Catalogue Online

The Frescobaldi Thematic Catalogue Online

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Berlin 6613

Full Title: Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Mus. Ms. 6613

Provenance and Date: Berlin, c. 1775
Time Frame: 1700-1800
RISM ID: 452017929

Notes: Scribe: P. Angelus Widman, c1775.

+- Canonical Publications

TOCCATE I (1615-1637)
Notes: The two volumes of TOCCATE were widely distributed and often copied. Their composition and publication histories are, however, complex and confusing. Some of the reported “editions” are merely reprints with a new or updated title page. On the other hand, surviving exemplars of a single edition are not always identical. The following three editions of TOCCATE I are considered distinct sources because of significant differences in their content, as shown here after their short titles: Toccate I (1615): F 2.01 to F 2.12 and F 2.35 to F 2.37, Toccate I (1616): F 2.01 to F. 2.20, Toccate I (1637): F 2.01 to F 2.34. A second edition was issued in 1618 and a third one in 1628, but their content does not differ from the edition of 1616. More details in the cited references, particularly in Darbellay (1988), Hammond (1983) and (2002), Silbiger (2014) and in the critical commentary to the Stembridge 1.2 edition.
[Full Record]

TOCCATE II (1627-1637)
Notes: See the Notes on TOCCATE I.(1615-1637).The following two editions of Toccate II are considered distinct sources here because of differences in their content, as shown below: Toccate II (1627): F 3.01 to 3.40, Toccate II (1637): F 3.02 to 3.38. (F 3.39 and F 3.40 were removed.)
[Full Record]

+- Literature

Riedel (1990)
Riedel, Friedrich Wilhelm. Quellenkundliche Beiträge zur Geschichte der Musik für Tasteninstrumente in der zweiten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts: (Vornehmlich in Deutschland). 2., erw. Aufl. Ed., Musikwissenschaftliche Schriften 22. Munich: E. Katzbichler, 1990.
Date Published: 1990
Pages: 55 n66
[Full Record]