The Frescobaldi Thematic Catalogue Online

The Frescobaldi Thematic Catalogue Online

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Riedel (1990)

Riedel, Friedrich Wilhelm. Quellenkundliche Beiträge zur Geschichte der Musik für Tasteninstrumente in der zweiten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts: (Vornehmlich in Deutschland). 2., erw. Aufl. Ed., Musikwissenschaftliche Schriften 22. Munich: E. Katzbichler, 1990.

Date Published: 1990

+- Compositions Referenced

F 19.02H Passacaglia
Composer: Poglietti
Key/Signature: E / #
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

+- Sources Referenced

Berlin 6610
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Mus. Ms. 6610

Provenance and Date: c. 1775
Time Frame: 1700-1800
RISM ID: 452502946
Notes: Scribe: P. Angelus Widman, c1775..
[Full Record]

Berlin 6610/1
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Mus. Ms. 6610/1

Provenance and Date: Early 18c
Time Frame: 1700-1800
RISM ID: 452502945
Notes: Incomplete copy of Fiori musicali (1635).
[Full Record]

Berlin 6611/1
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Mus. Ms. 6611/1

Provenance and Date: First half of the 19c
Time Frame: 1800-1900
RISM ID: 452017864
[Full Record]

Berlin 6613
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Mus. Ms. 6613

Provenance and Date: Berlin, c. 1775
Time Frame: 1700-1800
RISM ID: 452017929
Notes: Scribe: P. Angelus Widman, c1775.
[Full Record]

Berlin BHM [lost]
Berlin, Bibliothek der Hochschule für Musik [lost]

Provenance and Date: Weimar (?), 1714
Time Frame: 1700-1800
Notes: Manuscript copy, lost during World War II, but once owned by Johann Sebastian Bach. It is not in his hand, however, except for the inscription of his name and date of purchase (1714); see Annibaldi (1998-1).
[Full Record]

Dresden 98
Dresden, Sächsischen Landesbibliothek, Mus 1/B/98

Provenance and Date: Dresden, 1717-1718
Time Frame: 1700-1800
Notes: Vol. 2 of the “Collectaneorum musicorum libri quatuor,” copied by an unidentified scribe for the use of Jan Dismas Zelenka. Zelenka adapted three movements, F12.32, 12.33, and 12.42 for his sacred settings ZWV 57, 137, and 141 respectively; see F19.16H, 16.17H, and 16.18H. In the copies of 12.32 and 12.33, Zelenka himself inserted a few textual incipits from the Salve Regina, corresponding to the music to which he planned to set those texts.
[Full Record]

Kremsier, Bibliothek des Kollegialkapitels (Musritius-Archiv)

Provenance and Date: late seventeenth-century
Time Frame: 1650-1700
[Full Record]

Vienna XIV/694
Vienna, Minoritenkonvent, Musikarchiv XIV, 694

Provenance and Date: Vienna, c. 1721/1722
Time Frame: 1700-1800
Notes: Scribe: P. Alexander Giessel (c. 1721/22).
[Full Record]

Vienna XIV/695
Vienna, Minoritenkonvent, Musikarchiv XIV, 695

Provenance and Date: 1717-1719
Time Frame: 1700-1800
Notes: Scribe: P. Alexander Giessel (1717-1719).
[Full Record]

Vienna XIV/696
Vienna, Minoritenkonvent, Musikarchiv XIV, 696

Provenance and Date: 1722?
Time Frame: 1700-1800
Notes: Scribe: P. Alexander Giessel (earlier than Nr. 694; probably 1721).
[Full Record]

Vienna XIV/697
Vienna, Minoritenkonvent, Musikarchiv XIV, 697

Provenance and Date: 1719-1721
Time Frame: 1700-1800
Notes: Scribe: P. Alexander Giessel (probably between August 1719 and the beginning of 1721).
[Full Record]

Vienna XIV/698
Vienna, Minoritenkonvent, Musikarchiv XIV, 698

Provenance and Date: Vienna, 1719-1721
Time Frame: 1700-1800
Notes: Scribe: P. Alexander Giesel
[Full Record]

Vienna XIV/709a
Vienna, Minoritenkonvent, Musikarchiv XIV, 709a

Provenance and Date: c. 1704
Time Frame: 1700-1800
Notes: Scribe: Anonymous D (c. 1704). The contents of Vienna XIV/709a and 709b complement each other.
[Full Record]

Vienna XIV/709b
Vienna, Minoritenkonvent, Musikarchiv XIV, 709b

Provenance and Date: c. 1704
Time Frame: 1700-1800
Notes: Scribe: Anonymous D (c. 1704). Complement contents of Vienna XIV/709a.
[Full Record]

Vienna XIV/710
Vienna, Minoritenkonvent, Musikarchiv XIV, 710

Provenance and Date: Vienna, 1717-1719
Time Frame: 1700-1800
Notes: Scribe: P. Alexander Giessel (1717-1719).
[Full Record]

Vienna XIV/713
Vienna, Minoritenkonvent, Musikarchiv XIV, 713

Provenance and Date: after 1683
Time Frame: 1650-1700
Notes: Scribe: Fr. Wolfgang Schwabpaur (after 1683)
[Full Record]

Vienna XIV/717
Vienna, Minoritenkonvent, Musikarchiv XIV, 717

Provenance and Date: c. 1713-1715
Time Frame: 1700-1800
Notes: Scribe: P. Alexander Giessel (?) (c. 1713-1715).
[Full Record]

Yale 5056
Yale University, Music Library LM 5056 [”Lowell Mason Codex”]

Time Frame: 1650-1700
RISM ID: 103728
[Full Record]