The Frescobaldi Thematic Catalogue Online

The Frescobaldi Thematic Catalogue Online

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Darbellay (1986-1)

Darbellay, Étienne. “I manoscritti Chigi Q.IV.24 e Q.VIII.205-206 come fonti frescobaldiane: criteri filologici di autenticità.” In Durante (1986), 107-123.

Date Published: 1986

+- Compositions Referenced

F 2.29 Cento partite sopra passacagli
Composer: Frescobaldi
Key/Signature: D /♮to E /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.47 Ciaccona
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: C /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.61 Balletto
Composer: Frescobaldi (disputed)
Key/Signature: E /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.62 Corrente
Composer: Frescobaldi (disputed)
Key/Signature: E /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.69 Balletto [incomplete]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: C /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

+- Sources Referenced

Chigi Q.IV.24
Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Chigi, Q. IV. 24

Provenance and Date: Rome, 1636-1637
Time Frame: 1600-1650
Notes: This manuscript is in the hand of Frescobaldi’s assistant, Leonardo Castellani.
[Full Record]

Chigi Q.VIII.205-206
Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Chigi, Q. VIII. 205-206

Provenance and Date: Rome, mostly 1630-1650
Time Frame: 1600-1650
[Full Record]