The Frescobaldi Thematic Catalogue Online

The Frescobaldi Thematic Catalogue Online

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Chigi Q.IV.24

Full Title: Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Chigi, Q. IV. 24

Provenance and Date: Rome, 1636-1637
Time Frame: 1600-1650

Notes: This manuscript is in the hand of Frescobaldi’s assistant, Leonardo Castellani.

+- Compositions in Source

[Full Record]

F 2.21 Balletto
Composer: Frescobaldi
Key/Signature: E /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 2.22 Corrente del Balletto
Composer: Frescobaldi
Key/Signature: E /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 2.23 Passacagli
Composer: Frescobaldi
Key/Signature: E /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 2.24 Balletto secondo
Composer: Frescobaldi
Key/Signature: E /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 2.25 Corrente del Balletto
Composer: Frescobaldi
Key/Signature: E /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 2.29 Cento partite sopra passacagli
Composer: Frescobaldi
Key/Signature: D /♮to E /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 13.24 Aria detta la Frescobalda
Composer: Frescobaldi
Key/Signature: E /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.27 Toccata sopra li pedali
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: G /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.28 [Ruggiero]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: G /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.28.01 [Ruggiero, Prima Parte]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: G /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.28.02 [Ruggiero, 2a Parte]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: G /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.28.03 [Ruggiero, 3a Parte]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: G /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.29 Recercare
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: G /♭
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.30 Recercare
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: D /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.31 Canzona
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: D /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.32 Canzona
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: G /♭
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.33 Recercare
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: A /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.34 Canzona
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: A /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.35 Ave maris stella
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: D /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.36 [Toccata]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: D /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.37 Iste Confessor
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: G /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.38 [Aria di Fiorenza]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: G /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.38.01 [Aria di Fiorenza]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: G /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.38.02 [Aria di Fiorenza] 2o modo
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: G /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.38.03 [Aria di Fiorenza 3o modo]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: G /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.39 Recercare
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: E /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.40 Toccata per l’ elevatione [incomplete]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: G /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.41 Kyrie delli Apostoli
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: D /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.42 Christe
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: D /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.43 [Corrente]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: C /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.44 [Recercar]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: G /♭
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.45 [Toccata]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: A /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.46 Balletto
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: C /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.46.01 Balletto [Prima parte]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: C /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.46.02 Balletto [Seconda parte]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: C /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.46.03 Balletto [Terza parte]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: C /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.46.04 Balletto [Quarta parte]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: C /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.46.05 Balletto [Quinta parte]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: C /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.46.06 Balletto [Sesta parte]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: C /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.46.07 Balletto [Settima parte]
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: C /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 14.47 Ciaccona
Composer: Frescobaldi (probably)
Key/Signature: C /♮
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 17.20 Canzona
Composer: Frescobaldi (doubtful)
Key/Signature: G /♭
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 17.21 Fuga
Composer: Frescobaldi (doubtful)
Key/Signature: G /♭
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

F 17.22 Toccata
Composer: Ferrini?
Key/Signature: G /♭
Scoring: Keyboard
[Full Record]

+- Canonical Publications

TOCCATE I (1615-1637)
Notes: The two volumes of TOCCATE were widely distributed and often copied. Their composition and publication histories are, however, complex and confusing. Some of the reported “editions” are merely reprints with a new or updated title page. On the other hand, surviving exemplars of a single edition are not always identical. The following three editions of TOCCATE I are considered distinct sources because of significant differences in their content, as shown here after their short titles: Toccate I (1615): F 2.01 to F 2.12 and F 2.35 to F 2.37, Toccate I (1616): F 2.01 to F. 2.20, Toccate I (1637): F 2.01 to F 2.34. A second edition was issued in 1618 and a third one in 1628, but their content does not differ from the edition of 1616. More details in the cited references, particularly in Darbellay (1988), Hammond (1983) and (2002), Silbiger (2014) and in the critical commentary to the Stembridge 1.2 edition.
[Full Record]

+- Literature

Annibaldi (1985)
Annibaldi, Claudio. “La didattica del solco tracciata: il codice chigiano Q.V.29 da Klavierbüchlein d’ignoti a prima fonte frescobaldiana autografa.” Rivista italiana di musicologia 20 (1985): 44-97.
Date Published: 1985
Pages: 75
[Full Record]

Annibaldi (1990)
Annibaldi, Claudio. “Musical Autographs of Frescobaldi and His Entourage.” Journal of the American Musicological Society 43 (1990): 393-425.
Date Published: 1990
[Full Record]

Darbellay (1986-1)
Darbellay, Étienne. “I manoscritti Chigi Q.IV.24 e Q.VIII.205-206 come fonti frescobaldiane: criteri filologici di autenticità.” In Durante (1986), 107-123.
Date Published: 1986
[Full Record]

Darbellay (2008)
Darbellay, Étienne. “Les habitudes de Frescobaldi compositeur révélées par l’étude des sources manuscrites pour clavier et par ses pratiques de publication,” in Arte organaria e musica per organo nell’età moderna. L’Umbria nel quadro europeo, Atti del Convegno internazionale, ed. E. Bellini, 253-268. Perugia: Deputazione di Storia Patria per l’Umbria, 2008.
Date Published: 2008
[Full Record]

Darbellay (2010)
Darbellay, Étienne. “The Manuscript Chigi Q.IV.24 of the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana as Frescobaldian Source: New Criteria for Authenticity.“ In Fiori Musicali: Liber Amicorum Alexander Silbiger, edited by Claire Anne Fontijn and Susan Helen Parisi, 23-37. Detroit Monographs in Musicology/Studies in Music. Sterling Heights, MI: Harmonie Park Press, 2010.
Date Published: 2010
Pages: 23-37
[Full Record]

Durante (1986)
Durante, Sergio and Dinko Fabris, eds. Girolamo Frescobaldi: nel quarto centenario della nascita, Atti del convegno internazionale di studi (Ferrara, 9-14 settembre 1983). Florence: Olschki, 1986.
Date Published: 1986
[Full Record]

Hammond (1983)
Hammond, Frederick. Girolamo Frescobaldi. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1983.
Date Published: 1983
Pages: 294-295
[Full Record]

Hammond (2002)
Hammond, Frederick. Girolamo Frescobaldi. Trans. Roberto Pagano. Palermo: L’Epos, 2002.
Date Published: 2002
Pages: 382
[Full Record]

Jeanneret (2009)
Jeanneret, Christine. L'œuvre en filigrane: Une étude philologique des manuscrits de musique pour clavier à Rome au XVIIe Siècle, Historiae Musicae Cultores, 116. Florence: Olschki, 2009.
Date Published: 2009
Pages: 274-287
[Full Record]

Silbiger (1980-1)
Silbiger, Alexander. Italian Manuscript Sources of 17th Century Keyboard Music, Studies in Musicology. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Research Press, 1980.
Date Published: 1980
Pages: 116-123, 155, 160-164
[Full Record]

Silbiger (1989)
Silbiger, Alexander, ed. Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica, Mss Chigi Q.IV.24, 26-29, and Q.VIII.205-206, 17th Century Keyboard Music 15-1, New York: Garland Pub., 1989.
Date Published: 1989
Pages: V-viii, xxi-xxii
[Full Record]

+- Modern Editions

Lincoln, Harry B., ed. Seventeenth-Century Keyboard Music in the Chigi Manuscripts of the Vatican Library, 3 vols. Corpus of Early Keyboard Music 32. Ed. Harry B. Lincoln. [Dallas]: American Institute of Musicology, 1968.
Date Published: 1968
[Full Record]

SCKM 15-1
Silbiger, Alexander, ed. Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica, Mss Chigi Q.IV.24, 26-29, and Q.VIII.205-206, 17th Century Keyboard Music 15-1. New York: Garland Pub., 1989.
Date Published: 1989
[Full Record]

Frescobaldi, Girolamo. Keyboard Compositions Preserved in Manuscripts. 3 vols. Corpus of Early Keyboard Music 30. Ed. W. Richard Shindle. [Dallas]: American Institute of Musicology, 1968/1982.
Date Published: 1968
[Full Record]